Quaker Links
Click the links below to explore other sites with information about Quakers.
Quaker Thought, News, Background, and Discussions
quaker.org -- a web site that provides centralized links to many resources about the Religious Society of Friends
quakerinfo.org -- another centralized web site, from the Quaker Information Center in Philadelphia
Quaker Quaker -- a Guide to the Quaker Conversation (and links to many other blogs and pages)
Holy Ordinary -- The blog of Quaker pastor Brent Bill
philgulley.org -- The web page of Quaker pastor Phil Gulley.
The Quaker Electronic Archive -- Historical Quaker writings, and other basic information about Quakers
The Bad Quaker Bible Blog -- exploring the Bible with other seekers of all sorts
Quaker Quest - aims to help you find out about the Quaker way of life, experience Quaker worship, and get an idea what sort of people we are.
BBC-Religions-Christianity: Quakers - Gives the history, beliefs and practices of Quakers from the British, unprogrammed perspective.Alternatives to Violence Project USA
Quaker Organizations
Quaker Publications
Quaker Festival of Friends on Facebook on Facebook